Talk Talk

Information about the company

TalkTalk Telecom Group plc is a company which provides pay television, telecommunications, Internet access, and mobile network services to businesses and consumers in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 2003 as a subsidiary of Carphone Warehouse and was demerged as a standalone company in March 2010.

Commercial approach

By rolling out a structured strategy using automation, m/SIX developed an efficient way to manage this complexity. They hoped this would result in TalkTalk paying less for each click and sale, while appearing at a better ad position. To trial the approach, they ran a 30-day test on an existing campaign made up of generic keywords that were known to perform best in driving traffic and conversions. These keywords were aimed to engage users across the UK but excluded current TalkTalk customers.

Google Ads success story

The telecommunications space is hugely competitive. TalkTalk tasked media planning and buying agency m/SIX with making the best possible use of their search budget in attracting customers to the brand’s products and services.


- Quality scores increase by an average of 20%.
- costs per click fell by 15%
- Average position improved by 11%.
- click-through rates improved by 6%.
- 30% savings in campaign management time.

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