Furniture Village

Information about the company

Furniture Village is a British furniture retailer. It has over fifty stores throughout the United Kingdom, the first of which was opened in Abingdon, and also sells online. The company is headquartered in Slough. It is the largest privately owned furniture chain in the United Kingdom. Their target market is the upper end of the price range for the moderately rich. Their advertising has attempted to establish quality, rather than price, as the distinguishing point from competitors DFS.

Commercial approach

“Currently close to half of all our traffic onsite is from mobile devices”, explains Susan Knights, Head of eCommerce for Furniture Village. “The customer is central to the marketing strategy, and mobile is a key component of this.”

Google Ads success story

Greenlight partnered with Google to conduct an audit of the mobile site, using Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, Analytics 360 and the Google Search Console in their research. With a focus on improving site speed, the team identified a list of potential changes to the site


- 20% reduction in page load time
- 10% increase in conversion rate for mobile devices
- 9% decrease in bounce rate
- 12% growth in mobile revenue

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